Hey Idaho GOP: Stop Campaigning With Our Tax Dollars

In Idaho, elected officials are not permitted to use public tax dollars to campaign for office. Yet, this is precisely what they do when they pass laws they know are unconstitutional and are certain to be overturned by the courts. Unfortunately, it’s not a rare occurrence.  Continue reading Hey Idaho GOP: Stop Campaigning With Our Tax Dollars

80 from the ’80’s

FullSizeRender (1)Ok, so this one is just for fun: 80 albums from the ’80’s. To be clear, I don’t dwell in the ’80’s or in it’s music, really. But it was a formative decade— where I spent the entirety of my teen years plus some— and one that continues to inform a lot of my thoughts and tastes today. And there was some great music back then, especially lurking just below the surface, blasting on college radio stations, or sneaking out from this independent label or that.  Continue reading 80 from the ’80’s